If They Don't Want to be Americans, Send 'Em Packing!
Little Green Footballs has the latest updates on the idiotic (and now, apparently, DOA) ukase from the Michigan DOE regarding the use of the words America and American.
In other news, Michigan DOE "social studies consultant" Karen Todorov has directed that only Kleenex brand facial tissues be called Kleenex. All other brand should be called by their proper brand names, or simply facial tissue.
Additionally, she has sent word to WW Norton & Company, publishers of The Ugly American by William J. Lederer and Eugene Burdick, (required reading in all grades and all classes in Michigan schools) that the book must be renamed The Ugly People of the United States or it will be removed from Michigan classrooms.
In other news, Michigan DOE "social studies consultant" Karen Todorov has directed that only Kleenex brand facial tissues be called Kleenex. All other brand should be called by their proper brand names, or simply facial tissue.
Additionally, she has sent word to WW Norton & Company, publishers of The Ugly American by William J. Lederer and Eugene Burdick, (required reading in all grades and all classes in Michigan schools) that the book must be renamed The Ugly People of the United States or it will be removed from Michigan classrooms.