That Bicycle Chick was Right About Another Thing
I was overly harsh about the residents of New Orleans.
Oh, don't get me wrong. I still think we should nuke the place and consider ourselves ahead of the game. Let's not forget, after all, the grievous injuries I've suffered there. Those alone oughta be worth a Minuteman.
But I made the mistake of believing the news reports on the MSM about what was going on in New Orleans after Katrina. Unfortunately, the MSM got the stuff completely, utterly, incompetently, criminally, murderously wrong, as Jonah Goldberg spells out here.
Funny. Those pompous bastards sit in judgment of everything everyone who makes an honest living does, constantly criticizing actual productive members of society. Yet they obviously can't be trusted to do their own damn jobs with even the most minimal competence. So why the hell do we listen to a word they say or write? (Well, I don't anymore -- why the hell do the rest of you?)
Oh, don't get me wrong. I still think we should nuke the place and consider ourselves ahead of the game. Let's not forget, after all, the grievous injuries I've suffered there. Those alone oughta be worth a Minuteman.
But I made the mistake of believing the news reports on the MSM about what was going on in New Orleans after Katrina. Unfortunately, the MSM got the stuff completely, utterly, incompetently, criminally, murderously wrong, as Jonah Goldberg spells out here.
Funny. Those pompous bastards sit in judgment of everything everyone who makes an honest living does, constantly criticizing actual productive members of society. Yet they obviously can't be trusted to do their own damn jobs with even the most minimal competence. So why the hell do we listen to a word they say or write? (Well, I don't anymore -- why the hell do the rest of you?)
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