CJR -- Now a Farce?
The standard-bearer in journalistic balance, The Columbia Journalism Review, greatly diminished its reputation with its recent article on the Rathergate fiasco. Corey Pein's article, "Blog-Gate," was a poorly researched hit-piece that tried to smear the bloggers who exposed CBS's forgeries and lies.
Now CJR Executive Editor Michael Hoyt has jumped in the fray, and taken the partisan, journalistically-challenged line as well, not only backing the ridiculous Pein article in a recent letter to The New York Post, but going so far as to continue to assert that CBS's discredited documents might be genuine! Little Green Footballs has the story here.
Now CJR Executive Editor Michael Hoyt has jumped in the fray, and taken the partisan, journalistically-challenged line as well, not only backing the ridiculous Pein article in a recent letter to The New York Post, but going so far as to continue to assert that CBS's discredited documents might be genuine! Little Green Footballs has the story here.
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