More on the San Fran Gun Ban
"When you get guns out of people's homes and off the streets, it means that that gun is not going to be used in a shooting that kills someone, whether a murder or an accidental shooting." -- San Francisco Supervisor Chris Daly, commenting on the city's proposed handgun ban
"There has been a troubling increase in the use of firearms." -- Chief Inspector of the Constabulary Keith Povey, commenting on Great Britain's continuing and increasing wave of violent crime in the wake of their ban of all handguns in 1997, and the subsequent introduction of draconian regulations for all other guns (BB guns included)
It may become a mantra here: how do you caricature such people?
"There has been a troubling increase in the use of firearms." -- Chief Inspector of the Constabulary Keith Povey, commenting on Great Britain's continuing and increasing wave of violent crime in the wake of their ban of all handguns in 1997, and the subsequent introduction of draconian regulations for all other guns (BB guns included)
It may become a mantra here: how do you caricature such people?
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