Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I'm Overweight... Yeah, Right

Not that it will quiet the braying ninnies who want the feds to step in to force people to stop being fat pigs, but the Body Mass Index (BMI) is a sick joke.

Do we have too many fat people? Oh yeah. We also have too many people who drink too much (I think I really do fit here), eat too much junk food (here, too, probably), watch too much TV (nope, not here), and know too much about baseball (and definitely not here). So what? That's an inevitable outcome of something I like to call "freedom." Not that that word means anything to nutjobs like Kelly Brownell or Marion Nestle or all those turds from the Center for Science in the Interest of Making Us Feel Smart and Important by Forcing Our Uneducated Opinions Down Your Throat, or any of the pinheads who are on this "obesity epidemic" bandwagon. Speaking of which, we also have too damned many people who have so little to do, they can be on a goddamned "obesity epidemic" bandwagon.

Anyway, here's an actual media report about how stupid the BMI is.

But they didn't need to tell me. Y'know, I hike about twenty miles a week, just to keep some snap in the ol' legs during the snowy months. During the spring, summer, and fall I bike four to six days a week, and for the past six years I've finished the Six Gap Century, a 100 mile extravaganza of pain in the mountains of North Georgia, over the same roads Lance and his fellow pros race on in the Tour de Georgia.

But I have a BMI of 26 or 27, depending on whether it's winter or not. Anything over 25 is overweight. Oh, yeah, and I wear size 32 pants -- just like I have since I was a senior in high school. (That was in '82/'83.)

By the BMI, a third of American adults are overweight. I'm one of them. And all the while, the nice woman who sits next to me at work harangues me for being too skinny. I'm neither, really, but I'm closer to too skinny than to too fat. The braying ninnies need to shut their stinkin' yaps.