Friday, December 30, 2005

In the Steady Earl Region, Anti-German Feelings Run High


  • Their new Fuhrer, Angela Merkel, in her first real act of office, released Mohammad Ali Hammadi, a terrorist hijacker/murderer who killed our Navy diver Robert Dean Stethem back in '85. Read the whole story here.
  • Merckel assures us Hammadi's unexplained release was certainly not to effect the subsequent release of their own Susanne Osthoff, who was being held hostage in Iraq. We can therefore assume he was indeed released in a quid pro quo for Osthoff.
  • Osthoff herself assured us all, in a bizarro interview where she wore a hijab that looked like a black ski mask, that she was not complicit in being taken hostage in the first place. So it's also safe to assume that she was part of a conspiracy with the terrorists in Iraq.
  • Back in '72, the Germans not only bungled, with a uniquely German combination of cowardice and ineptitude, their attempt to rescue the PLO-held Israeli Olympic athlete hostages, who were then mowed down by their captors. The Germans also conspired with the PLO to have a Lufthansa flight hijacked so they could release the surviving terrorist butchers.

And now Merckel has the audacity to lecture us about Guantanamo. I could do without this disgusting excuse for a country.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

And Another Sharp Stick

This time it's a good thorough bitch-slapping (I guess that's different than a sharp stick, but I have plenty of metaphors to go around) for that destructive and moronic notion known as multicultural education.

Since this one comes from Australia, which has lately been reaping the just desserts of its pursuit of this stupid, self-immolating education policy, it's especially informative.

Here's a Sharp Stick in the Eye of our "Intellectual" Elite

It's a marvelous column by Michael Barone in US News & World Report. Here's the juiciest bit:
These lessons have been widely learned and widely applied by George W. Bush and also to a large extent by Bill Clinton. But not, curiously enough, by those who see themselves as the best and the brightest, our university and media elites. They would still like to see America's power reined in, as it was in the 1970s. They are insouciant about the costs that larger and more intrusive government and higher taxes impose on the economy. They think that leniency and subsidy are the appropriate responses to deviant and self-destructive behavior. They think our most important right is a right to kill our unborn children. You have to be awfully smart, someone once said, to believe something so stupid. And to be so blind to the clear lessons of the past quarter century of history.
It's well worth reading the whole thing.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

So Our Mexico Border is Like the Berlin Wall?

Here's the Mexicans' take on the border fence that's part of the new immigration bill:
Mexico's National Human Rights Commission described the U.S. measure as "part of a tendency to criminalize migration with a wall that calls to mind the Berlin Wall."

Um. Yeah, okay, fellas, here's a bit of a history lesson for you. The Berlin Wall was built to keep people in. See, East Germany was such a craphole, the only way they were gonna have anyone but their Soviet puppet government nomenklatura left was to fence them in, and shoot anyone who tried to climb a fence.

Here's the difference. You have the craphole here. Our fence is to keep your people from coming here, not because we're mean, but because we really can't afford to host your whole country's population. Which is who we'll have here if we don't get a bit of control of our own border.

I have an original idea! How 'bout you guys actually get to work fixing your damned craphole so your people actually want to live in their own country, instead of spending your time bloviating about historical references you obviously don't understand?

Friday, December 16, 2005

What Do We Do About Pigs Like These?

Read this gem about a bar owner in Ohio whose sign in his window asking customers to speak English has him facing fines and endless hearings in front of an unaccountable "Ohio Civil Rights Commission."

Interesting that in these days of championing diversity, they couldn't manage to find a single, solitary Caucasian to be a member of this Orwellian tribunal. Or maybe they just couldn't find one so lacking in fundamental scruples.

Message to the nearly-diverse members of the Ohio Civil Rights Commission: in the USA, we have a Constitutional right to freedom of speech, you bloated, self-important, immoral, swaggering, corrupt, puny-minded, puerile, cowardly, preening, pestilent, bilious, venomous, crapulent, ignominious, rank, grotesque, supercilious, haughty quislings.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Gosh, I Never Noticed What Geniuses Democrats Are

Here's a comment by one of them at a Howard Dean speech:

"If you go in and attack like a bully, you won't win," Valerie Guenther of Charlotte County said before Dean spoke.

Ah. Now I understand why we sent one man at a time in his own rowboat, unarmed and carrying flowers, across the channel during the so-called Normandy "invasion." That's why we won!

One of the tragedies of man's existence is that a completely brain-dead moron like Valerie Guenther without a doubt considers herself an intellectual giant. And her likeminded friends agree.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

You Read it Here First: Wal-Mart's Imminent Decline will be Self-Inflicted

I despise the current left-wing attacks on Wal-Mart. They're purely ideologically-motivated and come from very stupid people. To the extent that they detract from Wal-Mart's business, we are all the worse off for it.

That being said, Wal-Mart will inevitably decline. First, people will tire of visiting overcrowded, filthy stores staffed by rude, ugly troglodytes, just as they have with McDonald's. Their culture of shaving every penny at the expense of both appeal to consumers and relationships with suppliers will catch up with them.

But Wal-Mart itself will hasten its own decline still further. Its recent calls for an increase in the US minimum wage was not only stupid economics, but smacked of hypocrisy.

Now there's this. That Wal-Mart wants to force its business partners to be racists and sexists is odious. I'll cheer when this company, with the smug and disgusting Thomas Mars setting the course, begins its Titanic-like trip to the bottom of the retailing sea.