Saturday, December 03, 2005

You Read it Here First: Wal-Mart's Imminent Decline will be Self-Inflicted

I despise the current left-wing attacks on Wal-Mart. They're purely ideologically-motivated and come from very stupid people. To the extent that they detract from Wal-Mart's business, we are all the worse off for it.

That being said, Wal-Mart will inevitably decline. First, people will tire of visiting overcrowded, filthy stores staffed by rude, ugly troglodytes, just as they have with McDonald's. Their culture of shaving every penny at the expense of both appeal to consumers and relationships with suppliers will catch up with them.

But Wal-Mart itself will hasten its own decline still further. Its recent calls for an increase in the US minimum wage was not only stupid economics, but smacked of hypocrisy.

Now there's this. That Wal-Mart wants to force its business partners to be racists and sexists is odious. I'll cheer when this company, with the smug and disgusting Thomas Mars setting the course, begins its Titanic-like trip to the bottom of the retailing sea.