Why Does Breastfeeding Make People into Raving Jihadist Lunatics?
My wife has been breastfeeding our baby boy.
It's not going well. He's a lazy eater and falls asleep while nursing. In his first two weeks, he gained almost no weight at all. So first she followed the advice of her "lactation consultant" and tried very minimal formula supplementation with a system that basically ensured he'd get next to nothing extra.
After that got us nowhere, she did her own thing and is now combining nursing with supplemental bottle feedings of both pumped breast milk and formula. Our little guy is doing great. My wife will probably switch to all formula in the near future.
To many of the "experts," though, this brands my wife as a child-abusing Nazi.
What the hell is wrong with these people who will hear the cries of countless women who have similar problems -- women who are literally getting no real sleep at all and who are in constant pain -- and insist they continue with the "natural" breastfeeding program or be considered forever as failures beneath contempt?
Someone needs to smack these people. All the La Leche zealots who think they're saints for imposing their misguided ideology on millions of women who don't have my wife's intestinal fortitude to stand up to these bullies and point out the incontrovertible fact that they don't have a clue what the hell they're talking about -- those folks really, really need a smack-down. Now.
It's not going well. He's a lazy eater and falls asleep while nursing. In his first two weeks, he gained almost no weight at all. So first she followed the advice of her "lactation consultant" and tried very minimal formula supplementation with a system that basically ensured he'd get next to nothing extra.
After that got us nowhere, she did her own thing and is now combining nursing with supplemental bottle feedings of both pumped breast milk and formula. Our little guy is doing great. My wife will probably switch to all formula in the near future.
To many of the "experts," though, this brands my wife as a child-abusing Nazi.
What the hell is wrong with these people who will hear the cries of countless women who have similar problems -- women who are literally getting no real sleep at all and who are in constant pain -- and insist they continue with the "natural" breastfeeding program or be considered forever as failures beneath contempt?
Someone needs to smack these people. All the La Leche zealots who think they're saints for imposing their misguided ideology on millions of women who don't have my wife's intestinal fortitude to stand up to these bullies and point out the incontrovertible fact that they don't have a clue what the hell they're talking about -- those folks really, really need a smack-down. Now.
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